Monday, July 4, 2011

Fanboys - Official Trailer [HD]

Fanboys - Official Trailer [HD] [2]
Release Date: Feb 6, 2009 Genre: Comedy Cast: Sam Huntington, Jay
Baruchel, Dan Fogler, Kristen Bell, Pell James, Thom Bishops, Seth
Rogen, William Shatner, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Ray Park,
Christopher McDonald, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, Jason Mewes,
Kevin Smith, Jaime King Director: Kyle Newman Writers: Ernest Cline,
Adam F. Goldberg Studio: The Weinstein Company Plot: It's 1998 and
Star Wars fanboys across the globe eagerly await the release of
Episode I. But for Eric, Linus, Hutch and Windows the term "fanboy"
is more than just a title, it's a badge of honor. Spurred by
impatience and an undying loyalty to their cause, these former high
school friends reunite to undertake the road trip of their
fan-tasies. Traveling West across the country to visit their Mecca -
George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch - the plan is to break in, steal the
film and stake their claim as the first fanboys in history to watch
it. But to secure their place in the fanboy hall of fame, they'll
have to contend with bizarre bikers, a crazy pimp, a deranged group
of trekkies and the quiet intensity of William Shatner. From:
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