Monday, July 4, 2011

I want to sing country and bluegrass, but I got heckled in the last few places I sang at...?

Hello my name is Joseph. I'm 16 years old and I love country,
bluegrass and folk. I live in a small town in Arkansas just outside of
Little Rock where my parents opened up a Sushi and Japanese Steakhouse
restaurant. Oh yeah, I'm also Japanese, though I don't think that
should matter in this day in age, but tell that to those who heckled
me the few times I've sang because of my race =(.

I've only just started to sing publicly in restaurants and bars this
year, but the few times I've sang I seem to always get a heckler or
two. They're usually drunk and they make snide remarks and sometimes
racists remarks too. I don't know what to do. I love singing, but
sometimes these hecklers get to me. I know there are some Black and
Mexican country singers, I wonder if they were heckled when they first

I've been singing since I was in elementary school and fell in love
with this style of music when I started listening to Johnny Cash and
some of my friends listened to all kinds of similar music. Though I
appreciate all music though, country, bluegrass and folk are in my

What should I do to persevere and continue doing the thing I love
most, singing this genre of music?

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